Congrats 2013-14 MA Graduates!

About the MA Program


A big congratulations to our 2013-14 graduates. We couldn’t be more proud of you and your work.

Elke Erschfeld’s thesis was titled, “The Life of Life Events: Using leverage points, Life Cycle Thinking (LCT), and infographics to influence sustainable consumer behavior.”

Sarah Dehlinger-Stanke’s thesis was titled, “Connecting to Nature in Interior Dementia Care Environments.”

Mirna Garza’s thesis was titled, “Gaming Our Way to Sustainability. Developing a board game to help groups learn about sustainability and generate sustainable solutions”

Cheryl Jenrow’s thesis was titled, “Bumble Buddy Space Heater Inspired by Nature.”

Shari Welsh’s thesis was titled, “The Hero’s Journey to the Circular Economy: Exploring the role of storytelling in the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy.”

Image courtesy of Flickr CC Alan Cleaver