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Don’t Miss our Next Webinar: Nov 16

Sign up in advance to join our next MA in Sustainable Design informational webinar. Visit this page and scroll down to your preferred webinar date. Hosted by Cindy Gilbert, director of MA in Sustainable Design Program, and Mary Kazura, associate director of Admissions. Upcoming webinar dates: November 16 December 6 February 7 Image courtesy of


Faculty Focus: Re-Aligning Business with Nature @Net Impact

It’s the time of year when the MA in Sustainable Design program faculty and get to repeatedly dive into reviewing thesis proposals and drafts. Regardless of the current state of their work, it is clear that every student in the program aspires to make the world a better place, to have an impact, perhaps to


5 Awesome Design Tweaks that Help the Planet

This humorous take on biomimicry was originally written and published by Grist on September 15, 2016. Sustainable designers are like do-gooder secret agents. Infiltrating fields as varied as architecture, fashion, product design, healthcare, and transportation, sustainable designers dream up creations that are good news for humankind and the environment. They “maximize the quality of the


See You @AASHE 2016

MCAD and the MA in Sustainable Design program are proud to announce our involvement as a Host Sponsor for the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) 2016 Conference & Expo in Baltimore, Oct. 9-12, themed “Beyond the Campus.” Join us! Stop by our MCAD table (#312) at the Expo to meet


Faculty Focus: Co-Creating and Re-Aligning

I teach Biomimetic Design (the technical side of sustainable design) and Creative Leadership (the social side of sustainable design) for MCAD’s Master of Arts in Sustainable Design (MASD) Program. Without taking either of these classes, Stefanie Koehler (MASD ’13) managed to design a technically innovative biomimetic water purifier along with a bio-inspired social enterprise for

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40 Trillion Cans

WASTE. The sheer volume of waste in the world is staggering. Our addiction to cheap, disposable goods and the ‘buy-use-toss’ cycle is frightening. The ~$12 billion value of waste is heartbreaking. The prediction that, by 2050, there could be more plastic than fish, by weight, in the ocean is down right depressing. On that note,


What is Biomimicry, Anyway?

This humorous take on biomimicry was originally written and published by Grist on May 1, 2016. Let’s play a game. It’s called “Who made it?” and it goes like this: I’ll describe a series of objects, and you guess who made them. If you guess all of them correctly, there will be a special prize


Do You Really Know Packaging?

You touch it every day, but do you really know packaging? We’ve all done it, purchased a product because of, or in spite of, the packaging. A great package can get a consumer to buy almost any product at least once. But what do you really know about packaging? To most people packaging is simply

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MA in SD Webinar Tomorrow: Join Us!

Learn about the big changes happening in the MA in Sustainable Design program at MCAD. Join Cindy Gilbert, director of MCAD’s Sustainable Design Program, for a 1-hr informational webinar about the fully online Master of Arts in Sustainable Design degree offered by MCAD. We’ve been listening to our students and alumni, and are excited about

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MA in Sustainable Design Webinar

Learn about the big changes happening in the MA in Sustainable Design program at MCAD. Join Cindy Gilbert, director of MCAD’s Sustainable Design Program, for a 1-hr informational webinar about the fully online Master of Arts in Sustainable Design degree offered by MCAD. We’ve been listening to our students and alumni, and are excited about

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